2020-04-21 04:14 AM
I want to do UART by connecting USB to TTL converter(PN-USBTTL-FT, FTDI FT232RL) to Tx and Rx of the board pin without using the USB port of the debugger part of STM32F4xx.
The main code is as follows:
uint8_t a = 'a';
while (1)
HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart2, &a, 1, 10);
The debugging board's USB(download port) can receive "aaaaa ..." input every second, but it cannot receive any value from the Tx and Rx pins assigned to CubeMX.
What should I do?
2020-04-21 12:05 PM
What board?
How did you connect it to the USB convertor?
Did you connect also ground?
How do you observe it?
Did you test the USB convertor with a loopback?
Can you observe the signals using oscilloscope or LA (logic analyzer)?