2021-02-18 11:11 PM
I found out in the errata of STM32G070 MCU (page: 12, section: 2.11.1) that: in UART mode with oversampling by 8 or 16 and with 1 or 2 stop bits, the received data may be corrupted if a glitch to zero shorter than the half-bit occurs on the receive line within the second half of the stop bit.
My UART configuration:
Baud Rate: 460800
Word Length: 8bits
Stop bits: 1
Oversampling: 16
2021-02-18 11:55 PM
1 and 3 - this is a user-driven forum with only casual ST presence. So we don't know more than you.
2 - This depends only on exact circumstances of your application. The FTDi transceiver won't glitch, so concentrate on your signal integrity, suppress radiated and conducted noise from ambient, consider ground current between your device and PC. There no single perfect solution.