2020-12-24 10:28 PM
Hello there!
I am using STM32F103RCT6 and have trouble with GPIO pin state change during program flashing that I don't want.
Attached picture shows this phenomenon. (ch1 : PA9, ch2 : PB14)
These two pins are not related to JTAG/SWD.
PA9, PB14 are used to turn on MOSFET in my circuit, so this unintended pin state change makes my circuit short. So, I have to solve this.
Is there any document that describes which pin change its state during flashing program?
or Any idea to protect my circuit which is connected to these two pins from this trouble during flashing (How do experienced engineers usually solve these problem?)
2020-12-25 3:27 AM
Is NRST pin connected to STLink?
With "HW_reset"(means NRST pin is connected to stlink) and "connection under reset" setup on flashing utility side, will avoid such phenomena.