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Transmiter and Reciever STM32F769I-DISCOVERY



I am a bit new to the STM32. I am trying to implement one board (STM32F7) as a transmitter and another board as a receiver. The boards should be able to communicate with eachother wirelessly. Any idea how it can be done? The data is in the form of bits.

Any help would be highly appreciated


Any other MCU or Embedded experience?

What type of radio/wireless technology were you thinking of using?

How much data, and how far apart are we talking about?

Absent other constraints I'd probably use a Semtech LoRa SX1272 or SX1276 Shield board.

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Yes, I have been working with some pic microcontrollers previously. However, I want it just like one board transmits a signal and the other one listens to recieve the signal. Both boards are STM32F769. The data is just some length of bits currently(31 bits). The distance is around 1 m.