2015-01-06 10:23 AM
Dear colleagues and partners,
here I am attaching the plan for ST public trainings. They are typically 3-day long with detailed core and peripheral usage and hands-on. If you're interested, please let me know at microsupport.europe -at- st.com and me or my colleagues will reply with full catalogue or details on selected course. Same address is available for registration, too. Best regards, Tomas
& F3
W20 Prague
W18 Milano
W3 Prague
W14 Prague
(special guest I2ST
w. Java +1 day)
W27 Prague
W6 Prague
Motor Control with ST
W4 Prague
W12 Stockholm
W18 Munich
W24 Paris
Advanced C
W15 Munich
RTOS, USB, Ethernet, SSL
W26 Prague
#stm322015-01-29 8:24 AM
Hi Edison,
Good news !It it a free training ? If no how much does it cost ?Regards2015-02-05 8:25 AM
Hi lowpowermcu,
the trainings are free of charge, ST lunch included :) Edison_CZ2015-03-25 3:52 AM
Thank you for the information.
Any chance to get a more general training event on STM32 (not specifically F334) soon in Italy?2015-05-22 12:33 PM
Was starting to wonder if the STM32F7 had fallen off the road map.
Not seeing anything in the North-American market, and had an ATSAMV71-XULT for several weeks.2015-05-27 2:51 PM
> Not seeing anything in the North-American market
An excuse for a trip over here? We could sample a couple of historical pubs in Prague... :) JW2015-06-01 5:21 AM
> Was starting to wonder if the STM32F7 had fallen off the road map.
Well all the documentation (datasheets, reference manuals, etc.) seem to be ready (except the HAL documentation), there's even a more than 20-page errata already, and the Cube for STM32F7 is also ready, and there are two evaluation boards (STM32746G-EVAL and STM32756G-EVAL) out there that you can get now, so I think it must be in the final stages.2015-06-01 7:21 AM
I guess my frustration is the paper launch of the ''first m7'' from late
, and we're in late May 2015 (very late today). When I get some ST silicon, I'll bench it against the Atmel part, which has been in retail channels for +6 weeks.2015-06-25 8:49 AM
Hey guys can you put the video and other tutorials of the seminar if they are available.
Regards2015-06-25 8:52 AM
if possible can you post the munich Advanced C seminar video and tutorials or documents