2017-01-26 9:24 AM
Hello there,
Im working with nucleo144F429ZI and i want to implement a USB CDC VCP Device for Tx/Rx-Data over the USER USB.
I already managed to get the CubeMX generated Sourcecode to run on the board... Sometimes.
With FreeRTOS I havent found a solution to get it work for now.
But still I miss the basic understanding what the libary really does. So its hard to find the problem when an error occurs.
And the CDC_Standalone Application for other boards arent really helpfull to understand what really is happening inside.
So can you please help me find a good starting point to get the knowladge to configure and use the USB CDC Libaries?
Any Trainings or Tutorials?(dont need to be for free)
(Read only Datasheets is a option but not the fastest one)
2017-01-27 9:46 AM
,May this
help youand giveyou general guidelines on USB CDC. For more details, refer to the user manual UM1734 that explains more the use of STM32Cube USB device library.Imen