2022-05-02 6:15 PM
I am using an STM32F4 micro using TIM1_CH1 and CH2 outputs to create a communications signal with compare outputs. The first bit that I am outputting is wrong, so I would like so set a breakpoint to see what is going on. BUT, when I check the timer compare outputs, they are both "0", inactive. It appears as if the MOE bit is getting cleared when this HW breakpoint is executed, so I can see what's on the output anymore. The reference manual describes what happens when the BKIN is active, or clock failure, or reset, but what happens during a debug HW breakkpoint ? Is the MOE bit still cleared ? Is there anyway that I can prevent that from happening ?
2022-05-02 11:14 PM
> It appears as if the MOE bit is getting cleared when this HW breakpoint is executed,
Do you have break enabled?
Did you set MOE at the first place?
Read out and check/post TIM registers just after enabling and at the point where you see them being incorrect.