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The effect of stress and vibration on stm32f3 microcontroller performance

Associate II

I ran into a problem in a project, the program works normally without any problems on the lab desk, but when I take the hardware to test it in a more realistic environment, it crashes.( I am debugging, I know from there).
The working environment has a lot of vibration and a higher temperature.

Can it be due to high vibration and does mechanical stress have an effect on the performance of the microcontroller? Do you have a document or experience about this?


Hello @Peter BENSCH,

What vibration level can STM32 be subjected to in general? Is it a safe decision to install the STM32 LQFP64 package on a vibrating equipment as a part of Vibration Measurement device that subjects the MCU to lifetime of vibration of about 1g from 10Hz to 2000Hz?

I have been struggling to find any relevant information to make informed decisions on this regards.

On the flipside, I have seen multiple products with MCU & the MEMS Accelerometers assembled on the same PCB & installed on a vibrating equipment.

Your guidance & insights may be helpful.