2017-12-12 3:01 AM
This is tedious as each time I adjust my project using the cube I have to edit the generated source file in:
In case this has anything to do with this, I used the GPDSC export from Cube and imported into CrossStudio.
2017-12-12 3:03 AM
The question part was meant to be: How do I report this so if it is a bug, it gets fixed?
2017-12-12 6:10 AM
Hello ,
You are in the right space: You can post your issue in this STM32 forum. Then, ST moderators will take in charge your request to answer you or raise your feedback/issues internally to the appropriate team.
About your reported issue, the include of 'stm32h7xx_hal.h' is ensured by USE_HAL_DRIVER which should defined in the toolchain compiler Preprocessor.
♯ if defined (USE_HAL_DRIVER)
♯ include 'stm32h7xx_hal.h'
♯ endif /* USE_HAL_DRIVER */
Best Regards
2017-12-12 5:16 PM
Thanks for the response.
I think you are saying that USE_HAL_DRIVER is not defined by default and I need to set this in whatever compiler toolchain I am using. This seems a little odd as the include is required by the code that follows. However, it may be that I have this problem because I am using the
GPDSC export from Cube.