2012-07-18 10:59 AM
Hi Friends from ST and dear fellows.
I'm using STMStudio with yagarto toolchain and STLIB with the STM32F4Discovery. Up to release 2.2 of STMStudio I was able to import any global variable avaliable from inside the my generated elf file, despite the fact it is 8, 16 or 32 bit, signed or unsigned ints. Today I installed STMStudio, release 3.0, and suddenly the program stopped showing the variables when trying to import them from the elf file. ST, I think it is a bug, nor some program limitation. Any hint from someone ? This tool is great for development purposes. Keep up the good work. And greetings to you all. Eduardo Pellini #stmstudio-stm32f4discovery-stm322013-10-04 5:50 AM
I got the same problem here (using a STM32F103R8). Today I installed v3.3 but it is alsways the same - only 8 and 32bit variables where shown. I tried some vars and marked with ''okay'' which are shown in import dialog:// 8bit:
u8 _u8; //okay
s8 _s8; //okay
uint8_t _uint8; //okay
int8_t _int8; //okay
char _char; //okay
char _char_arr[10]; //okay
// 16bit:
u16 _u16;
s16 _s16;
uint16_t _uint16;
int16_t _int16;
unsigned short _unsigned_short;
signed short _signed_short;
// 32bit:
u32 _u32;
s32 _s32;
uint32_t _uint32;
int32_t _int32;
unsigned int _unsigned_int; //okay
signed int _signed_int; //okay Alle the others are not shown - so no 16bit and also the most 32bit are not available in STMStudio. Can somebody please check if it is the same on other computers? Thanks.