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STMod+ on H757I-EVAL Board


Hey Folks.

So, I have the H757I-Eval Board that I got as a gift, and given that I'd like to try some stuff and even follow some tutorials, I miss the exposition of the PINs. Reading TN1238 which talks about a fan-out expansion board, it says "The principle is to provide a set of standard interfaces such as SPI, UART, I2C and other functions such as RESET, INTERRUPT, ADC, PWM and general purpose I/Os.", which is what I wanted to have, you know, trying it with some external stuff. However, this is only possible with the H747 DISCO Board. I've gone through the H757's docs and it's different in my case. They do provide these pin/memory headers (red and yellow marks), but it's not like I could buy a fan-out expansion board and attach to it, because I haven't found any one that would make that process easy. I even bought some connectors, but the processing of disconnecting stuff, mapping out to the PINs, etc. - that's a lot.

  • Is there a reason why ST doesn't offer a fan-out board for the H757?
  • What would be the best way to have that GPIOs exposition? I guess asking someone to design the daughterboard and then do all the other config? Nah.
  • Or maybe the gift should have been the DISCO Board, instead of the EVAL, since the EVAL is somewhat restricted in that matter.

We do have the tamper/wkup buttons, but that's not enough haha. Anyway. What a pity.

Thanks in advance.

