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Hi, I decided to learn how to create GUIs using TouchGFX and upon creating a project on TouchGFX, 2 questions popped up on my mind:1 - There's no template for the H757i-Eval Board; what would be the right procedure? Is there still some sort of templa...
Hi, I am trying Visual Studios' new feature of importing an STM32CubeIDE Project (making it a CMake Project) and have a problem:Visual Studio Import Feature only works with single-core boards, and unfortunately, I only have dual-core boards;Anyways.....
Hey Folks.So, I have the H757I-Eval Board that I got as a gift, and given that I'd like to try some stuff and even follow some tutorials, I miss the exposition of the PINs. Reading TN1238 which talks about a fan-out expansion board, it says "The prin...