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STM32WB55 BLE Connection Timeout, while sending Data via (properties) write/read


Hello tinkerer,

i am working with the Stm32Wb55 and trying to send data via Bluetooth, unfortunately when i run or debugg my code, most of the time i lose after 30 seconds the connection because the GATT procedure issues a timeout. In terms of the read property i found a solution with aci_gatt_deny_read() but it only works on read and it does not help me further with write.

I am looking for a solution where i can avoid to get disconnected while my program is running, so i can comprehend my code better. Is there a possibility to avoid the timeout after 30 seconds or have you other ideas to solve the problem.

best regards Alex


any news here ?

Associate II

I'm using Bluenrg-M2SA with and facing same with ble connection. Bluenrg-M2SA  is connecting with smart watch but GATT procedure issues a timeout at 30 seconds. using BlueNRG-1_2 DK 3.2.3. Any idea to increase the connection time from application?