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Hello,I configured the s2-lp csma as follow: xCsmaPersistentMode = S_DISABLE xMultiplierTbit = CSMA_PERIOD_128TBIT xCcaLength = 1 cMaxNb = 2 nBuCounterSeed = 0xFA21 cBuPrescaler = 2 I set the rssi threshold at -82 dBm, If the channel is free, it list...
Hello,I'm using bluenrg-lp with BLE stack initialized for Rx only, I set to GAP_OBSERVER_ROLE and the observation procedure is stopped, I'm trying to enter in sleep mode POWER_SAVE_LEVEL_STOP_WITH_TIMER based on example code : WakeupSourceConfig_Type...
I have configured a GPIO as input to control the RX or TX state, is there a minimum time above the high level threshold to respect or exceed the VDD/2+0,3 voltage is sufficient ?Thank you,Andy Rochette.
Hello community,I configured the uart dma in my project based on the project example USART_TxRx_DMA_Init, and stuck in frame errors, one of the errors is the end of the string seems to be swapped.Sometimes there is no problem the end of the string is...
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