2018-12-12 3:43 AM
About once over 10, the MCU seems to hang after NVIC_SystemReset() call. Notice that:
2018-12-12 4:17 AM
Is this a custom board? Is anything else driving NRESET?
2018-12-12 4:56 AM
Yes it is a custom board.
NRESET is only connected through a 1nF capacitance toward 0v.
But notice that when the MCU is hung, the level at NRESET is 3.2 V
2018-12-12 6:22 AM
New information.
I can systematically set my MCU in this "hung" mode after :
BUT this is systematically "hanging" ONLY if
This with a production (not debug) software that set :
2018-12-12 2:34 PM
STLink connected to NRST?
2018-12-14 3:15 AM
The problem can occur connected or not connected.
But for a while I thougt it was easyer to produce when connected and software has just been programmed.
2024-11-06 9:35 PM
I ran into the exact same failure phenomenon, and I'm using an STM32L451CC.Is there a solution yet?