2021-10-11 5:36 AM
Hello, I design a device, based on STM32L475RE MCU
and my goal is to minimize the power consumption.
Peripheral I use :
2021-10-11 6:02 AM
> 1. Would it be better for power consumption to change HSE for MSI, and is it reliable for peripheral I use to work with MSI?
The datasheet includes detailed breakdown of current consumption by MSI and HSE. In general, MSI uses less power.
The L475 supports crystal-less USB, but requires an LSE to do so. No other peripheral that you're using needs precise timing.
> 2. USB is needed really rarely, so is it possible to initialize USB when connected and does it make sense?
Makes sense to me.
> 3. How to know that USB is connected?
Connect VBUS to a pin (preferably with resistor divider), and monitor it.
2021-10-11 8:10 PM
Depending on your mission profile, you might also try to aim for the lowest working sysclk frequency, which will make you zoom in interrupt latencies and jitter. Most people prefer to bail out by crancking up sysclk instead.
2021-10-11 10:19 PM
Thank you,
I've created cube mx project to try clock settings and as I understand USB could work even without LSE
2021-10-12 5:40 AM