2017-06-02 6:54 PM
When will the MXCube library add support in STM32L4 for the iot board? It is not in the latest 1.8.0?
2017-06-05 6:45 AM
,BSP library is
not supported
by CubeMx, it should be added manually by the user to the project generated.You may refer to this document for more clarification
2017-06-05 7:49 AM
Thank You for the steps to integrate from the repository. I guess I should have asked the question, when will the discovery board be an option available in CubeMX application?
2018-01-26 5:55 AM
It seems that the latest CubeMX 4.24 can initialize some BSP resources -at least the generated code has a few init functions related to MCU resources required to use on board stuff. Just generated the code for STM32L476-disco:
/* Initialize all configured peripherals */
MX_GPIO_Init(); MX_I2C1_Init(); MX_I2C2_Init(); MX_LCD_Init(); MX_QUADSPI_Init(); MX_SAI1_Init(); MX_SPI2_Init(); MX_USART2_UART_Init(); MX_USB_HOST_Init();So maybe we do not need to reverse engineer the examples to know what / how to initialize I/O.
It seems that IOT L4 boards is also initialized this way - I mean the CubeMX-generated code.
2018-01-26 6:37 AM
,The discovery boards are available in the current CubeMX release (4.23).
Here are the lists of discovery boards available in CubeMX :
BR. Jeanne
2018-01-26 7:15 AM
When responding too these posts, remember that when it is eight months old that things might have changed and people moved on. I have somewhat mixed feelings about poking old zombie threads.
BSP support has existed in the repository for several releases at this point
The support for a BSP and custom code for the board is likely to lead support from CubeMX directly, and you're really going to want to master the HAL if you want to get a product to market, not just press a couple of buttons in CubeMX and hope the jobs done.
2018-01-26 8:38 AM
I have responded to the today's someone's and have NOT noticed that the initial issue report was so old.
I spent some time on a few nucleo / discovery and BSP integration - that's why I verified the BSP support on the latest CubeMX...