2016-03-08 3:23 AM
I am new to Cortex M4 based STM32L4 series MCU. I got to know that Cortex M4 supports FPU and DSP instructions. I want to use both of them in my project.Currently I am working with STM32L4 Discovery Kit and Keil uVision 5. To enable support of Floating Point Operation I need to select the Floating Point Hardware from the 'Target' tab of Project Options. But I don't know how to enable/use the DSP instructions. Do I need to enable it explicitly?I need to perform FFT using this MCU and DSP Instructions will help to improve the performance for the same. Can someone please help me on this?Thanks,Dhaval #fpu #dspinstruction #stm32l42016-03-08 5:22 AM
Hi dhavalv,
•To add DSP library under Keil uVision 5 go to Project>Manage>Run-Time Environment>CMSIS>>select DSP to add the CMSIS DSP software library into your project . Then add this define “ ARM_MATH_CM4�? to your Preprocessor Symbols to specify your Cortex (M4 for example). •To enable support for FPU you need to add this define into your main: #define __FPU_PRESENT 1, in fact in the SystemInit function we have this code for FPU settings:#if (__FPU_PRESENT == 1) && (__FPU_USED == 1)
SCB->CPACR |= ((3UL << 10*2)|(3UL << 11*2));
/* set CP10 and CP11 Full Access */
For more details recommend you to have a look to the
Programming manual -Syrine-