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STM32L151RET6 is in halt state

Nimit Vachhani
Associate III


I have a board with STM32L151RET6. I can program the controller using st-link, but as soon as i try to enter debug mode it ide says cannot read memory. I am using keil and i am trying to enter debug modue using keil debugger and stlink.

I have also connected 10k ohm to boot0 and gnd. Still keil cannot enter debugger. It says error *** error 122: AGDI: memory read failed (0xFFFFFFFE)

Please help me with the error.

Controller can be programmed using st link as well as keil.


Make sure NRST is connected, and select "Connect Under Reset" in options.

M​ake sure not to reconfigure to debug pins, or go into low power modes.

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Nimit Vachhani
Associate III

NRST is connected to GND using 0.1uF capacitor and "Connect Under Reset" is selected. Are there any chances that controller is blown ?

Is NRST connected to the ST-LINK?​

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Nimit Vachhani
Associate III

nopes. I never connect nrst to st link. Let me be clear that this controller was bought from china. I have already made one board with original ic bought from st website and it is working perfectly fine.

Nimit Vachhani
Associate III


I have connected 0.1uF capacitor to NRST and other end at ground. Still the problem remains. I tried debugging in stm32 cube ide and getting below error

Break at address "0xfffffffe" with no debug information available, or outside of program code.

fffffffe:  Failed to execute MI command: -data-disassemble -s 4294967294 -e 4294967393 -- 3  Error message from debugger back end: Cannot access memory at ddress 0xfffffffe

Any idea what is going on ?

Can you connect to and inspect the part using STM32 Cube Programmer or the ST-LINK Utilities?​

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Greetings Tesla,

Problem found. It was in options byte - nBFB2 was un-checked. I checked it and it started running from internal memory. After lots of reading suddenly my attention was drawn to that bit / flag.

Now controller is running as it should.

Thanks for help.