2023-02-08 03:06 AM
One of my friends noticed, that ST NRND'd not only the STM8, but also the whole STM32L1xx family.
However, in contrast to STM8, the 'L1 are under the 10-year commitment program, so they should continue to be available in the next 9 years.
2023-05-15 09:45 AM
'C0 does not have VBAT pin nor the switchover circuitry nor dedicated battery-backup RAM, nor have they the low-consumption provisions of the 'Lxx (with which they are not supposed to compete), etc.
(It does have, quite inexplicably, a relatively complex v3 RTC, though.)
> I think there needs to be much deeper introspection as to what/why people stick to older parts
That's not how marketing works.
2024-05-11 01:17 AM
As spotted by Philipp Klaus Krause, one of the principial developers of SDCC, STM8 were un-NRND'd.
So, I looked at the 'L1, too - the newer ones from them (as witnessed by the -A suffix on some of them) appear to be un-NRND'd too:
and although only the older ones appear to be still NRND'd according to the product list:
the 10-year commitment list lists all of 'L1 as NRND with the end-date not renewed and to be expired at Jan 2032:
Btw. the STM8 (except automotive) are in the 10-year commitment list listed as Active but with non-renewed expiration at Jan 2032 too: