2022-02-08 9:15 AM
I am looking for your help on how to use the dual bank mechanism on the STM3L082.
My questions:
2022-02-09 9:37 AM
In the rm0376 the following is stated (par. 3.3.2)
When the conditions a, b, and c described below are fulfilled, it is equivalent to configuring boot pins for System memory boot (BOOT0 = 1 and BOOT1 = 0). In this case when protection level2 is disabled, normal bootloader operations are executed.
a) BFB2 bit is set.
b) Both banks do not contain valid code.
c) Boot pins configured as follows: BOOT0 = 0 and BOOT1 = x.
When the BFB2 bit is set, and Bank 2 and/or Bank 1 contain valid user application code, the Dual Bank Boot is always performed (bootloader always jumps to the user code).
When fulfilling the above and having user code written in BANK1 and BANK2 that it would work. However it does not.
Any ideas?