2018-03-22 01:31 AM
hi all,
I'm using a board with one stm32l071.I have get code by stm32cubemx,and then I added my code on that.
But now I have a issue with RTC,after I set the RTC registers, the hour in the register is less than my setting.For eg, I set 15:30:00 to the RTC registers, but I will get 14:30:00 after my setting code.
This will occur when I debug in keil simulation using full speed running,but when I debug step by step,this will not occur!
Thanks for your help if you know how to solve the problem.
my code:
void Time_SetCalendarTime(struct tm t)
{ RTC_TimeTypeDef tmp2; RTC_DateTypeDef dt; HAL_StatusTypeDef ret; dt.Year=t.tm_year-RTC_START_YEAR;/*start from 2018*/ dt.Month=t.tm_mon+1; dt.Date=t.tm_mday; dt.WeekDay=0;/*disable weekday*/ tmp2.Hours=t.tm_hour; tmp2.Minutes=t.tm_min; tmp2.Seconds=t.tm_sec; ret = HAL_RTC_SetDate(&hrtc,&dt,RTC_FORMAT_BIN); printf(''set date..<%d>(0-OK,1-ERR,2-BUSY,3-TIMEOUT)\r\n'',ret); ret = HAL_RTC_SetTime(&hrtc,&tmp2,RTC_FORMAT_BIN); printf(''set time..<%d>(0-OK,1-ERR,2-BUSY,3-TIMEOUT)\r\n'',ret); return;}log:
2018-3-22 16:30:18 set date..<0>(0-OK,1-ERR,2-BUSY,3-TIMEOUT)set time..<0>(0-OK,1-ERR,2-BUSY,3-TIMEOUT)set date..<0>(0-OK,1-ERR,2-BUSY,3-TIMEOUT)set time..<0>(0-OK,1-ERR,2-BUSY,3-TIMEOUT)2018-3-22 15:30:18 AT update time suc!2018-3-22 15:30:18 2018-3-22 15:30:19 2018-3-22 15:30:20 2018-3-22 15:30:21 2018-3-22 15:30:22#hour #rtc #stm32l0Solved! Go to Solution.
2018-03-25 11:19 PM
I have get the point to solve this problem. I have forgotten to set the params '
' and'StoreOperation
' when I set the time using HAL_RTC_SetTime(&hrtc,&tmp2,RTC_FORMAT_BIN); So everything goes ok after I set these two paras when I set hours-minites-seconds.2018-03-25 11:19 PM
I have get the point to solve this problem. I have forgotten to set the params '
' and'StoreOperation
' when I set the time using HAL_RTC_SetTime(&hrtc,&tmp2,RTC_FORMAT_BIN); So everything goes ok after I set these two paras when I set hours-minites-seconds.