2023-03-11 11:31 AM
Hello there
I am trying to port a logic analyzer from STMF407: https://code.google.com/archive/p/logicdiscovery/
to work on my STMH750B-DK
I even found some pins I (think) I can use (PB4,PB6,PB7,PB15 (right arduino connector (D0,D1,D10,D11)
I tried to port it: https://www.mediafire.com/file/wl62q2qot4zi3za/STM32_H7_LA_3.zip/file
But for some reason no interupt is ever triggered (when I press blue user button, an interupt should trigger, and DMA transfer should start, but this never happens)
Essentialy What I am trying to do is read PB4,PB6,PB7,PB15 with DMA, then send this to PC
and I am not sure if maybe my code is somehow broken or that is not possible to do on this board?
Thanks for Anwsering and Best Regards
2023-03-11 8:42 PM
Should be possible.
As I recall would need to use BDMA into SRAM4.
Check if DMA flagging some error status.
2023-03-11 10:23 PM
After looking at your IOC file you'll never get an interrupt on the blue button.
For the blue button to interrupt when pressed, you need to set it as a GPIO_EXTI13, not GPIO_Input.
You'll need to select a GPIO mode which i usually select both edge detection.
Then you need to enable EXTI
2023-03-12 1:48 AM
Thanks for your help
I was thinking that to, the confusion happens because if you check how the google code project does it: https://github.com/iliasam/logicdiscovery/blob/master/LogicDiscovery/main.cpp#L146 (exported to github for easier read)
it configures PA0 (blue USER BUTTON) as external timer8 input: https://github.com/iliasam/logicdiscovery/blob/master/LogicDiscovery/la/la_sampling.cpp#L226
I am not realy sure why it does it like that (even after reading how it works I am a bit confused: https://github.com/iliasam/logicdiscovery/blob/master/LogicDiscovery/la/la_sampling.cpp#L253 )
instead of using EXT interupt, so I tried to port it straight to STMH7 (where user button is connected to PC2)