2021-08-23 9:46 AM
Hello ST community! I have a question about FMC on STM32H745ZITx (LQFP144). In the datasheet DS12923 (https://www.st.com/resource/en/datasheet/stm32h745zg.pdf) it is not said whether it supports SDRAM. And there is no "SDRAM" item in the FMC settings in CubeMX. Does it really not support SDRAM or is it a bug?
2021-08-23 9:54 AM
The STM32H745 should, you might need to take a Pin Inventory on the 144-pin, to check what escapes that, figure that's 30-minute due-diligence task at most.
About 10 min mark talks about SDRAM
BGA parts for sure
2021-08-23 10:27 AM
The FMC_A0 pin isn't broken out on the LQFP144, among others.
2021-08-23 10:36 AM
in the datasheet for many SDRAM addresses, GPIO is not assigned. This means that SDRAM is not available, am I right?
2021-08-23 10:37 AM
I'm sorry, my English is bad, can you rephrase your answer?
2021-08-23 10:55 AM
FMC_A0 isn't available. Other pins are also not available. You can't use SDRAM on this chip.