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STM32H745I-DISCO STLink UART Virtual Com Port not outputting

Associate II


I have a STM32H745I-DISCO board that I would like to debug using UART Serial over the STLINK virtual com port. UM2488 Section 6.14 shows this should be connected to USART3.

I have the USART3 peripheral enabled with the following configuration:0693W00000JORC3QAP.png 

In the main function, I have:

uint8_t buf[32] = "Hello!!"


  while (1)
    HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart3, buf, strlen((char*)buf), HAL_MAX_DELAY);

I have ensured that the STLNK VCP driver is installed, and I see the COM port in my device manager window.

I connect to the port with the following settings in PuTTY:

0693W00000JOR6pQAH.pngThe terminal connects, but I don't see my output string.

Is there any example UART serial printing code for the H7 that I could look over? If any extra information is needed just let me know.


Guenael Cadier
ST Employee

Hello @woozl​ 

Have you configured GPIO associated to USART3 TX and RX ?

According to UM2488, Table 16, it looks like PB10 and PB11 are used.

0693W00000JORxTQAX.pngAbout available examples for this board, please have a look inside H7 FW package.

I think this UART_WakeUpFromStopUsingFIFO example could help (available on Github, or FW package also available on website).


Look at the code generated, especially pins and clocks.

Make sure the HSE clock is correctly reflected in HSE_VALUE.

Do it on the CM7 core first.

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Thanks for the reply, the pins have been configured as so:0693W00000JOSF3QAP.pngJust tried that example and had no luck either.

Switching it to the CM7 core worked for some reason. Thanks!