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STM32H745I-DISCO CM4 printf issue

Associate II


I am using freeRTOS on dual-core of STM32H745I disco dev-kit.

Where I am able to print debug messages using "printf" function in core M7 using UART3 but not able to print messages using "printf" function.

I have followed the steps.

Also, I have done changes when I want to use UART3 for core M4. : Disabled UART3 on M7 and initialized(enabled) in M4 using "MainSTM32.ioc". Still, I am facing issue.


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Associate II

I am using STM32cubeIDE 1.8.0

Associate II

Hello ST team  @Amel NASRI

I still facing this issue is there any solution?

Chief II

> I am able to print debug messages using "printf" function in core M7 using UART3 but not able to print messages using "printf" function.

Do you even understand yourself? And you have not explained anything useful, therefore nobody can help you.


Thanks for your reply.

If you read properly my post then you can find that I have mentioned one link and I have followed the same steps for core CM7 where printf works fine.

I have followed the steps.

Also, I have done changes when I want to use UART3 for core M4. : Disabled UART3 on M7 and initialized(enabled) in M4 using "MainSTM32.ioc". Still, I am facing the issue.

Whenever I followed the same steps for Core M4 then I am facing printf issue like the one below.

I want to print "printf("\n\nGetting run time cpu usage over %ld ticks\n", STATS_TICKS);"(in my firmware)

But the actual print on UART(Tera Term) is "Gttting r n time upu usago over 1000 ticks|"

So that is the issue I am facing 
