2017-10-11 6:09 AM
In summer 2017, I started an project with the STM32F767 on the Nucleo board, because the H743 was still announced but not available. For some weeks I got the new Nucleo board of the STM32H743.
After I transferred the code from the F767 to the H743, I recognized the not working DMA interrupt. The DMA interrupt was working on the 767 perfectly. So I reduced the code of the F767 and the H743 (by using cube) to only this function for see what�s the difference.I can�t see, why the interrupt for the DMA at the STM32H743 is not working!
Have somebody done something like this already and was successful?
I put both projects for Cube and the AC6 workbench to the attachment. Hope somebody can help me.
BR Volker
#stm32h743 #stm32h7Solved! Go to Solution.
2017-10-12 5:00 AM
Problem solved !
Two things have to be observed:
have to change to: hadc1.Init.ConversionDataManagement =ADC_CONVERSIONDATA_DMA_CIRCULAR;
If only this done theHAL_DMA_IRQHandler(&hdma_adc1);
appears and run intohdma->ErrorCode |= HAL_DMA_ERROR_TE;
--> this already can be done in the Cube definition
calls voidHAL_ADC_ConvCpltCallback(ADC_HandleTypeDef* hadc)
{and all work fine.
- Volker -
2017-10-11 6:33 AM
,Could you please try to have a look to
application note, it may help you.-Nesrine-
2017-10-11 7:06 AM
Hi Volker,
it cannot work. Your data is located in DTCMRAM which has no interconnect to any DMA controller.
Figure 1 on page 100 in the Reference Manual RM0433.
You have to modify your linker script to 'move' your data for periphal transmission in Domain D2, for example.
Page 6 of the 'Migration application note' of Nesrine.
- Joerg -
2017-10-11 9:23 AM
DTCMRAM which has no interconnect to any DMA controller.
... except the MDMA, perhaps...
2017-10-11 9:33 AM
You are right. MDMA has access to AHB/TCM bus as source and destination. The AXI bus is the opponent in each setting.
But it does not solve this problem and the transfer with other 'peripheral' DMA's.
I think many guys will fall in the trap without doing some extra work in using the new memory model.
- Joerg -
2017-10-12 12:36 AM
Hi Joerg,
thanks for your reply.
I have changed the linker script as suggested. I also changed the location for the DMA destination variable: AdcValues_i16.
I checked the location (debugger and map file): Now at RAM-address 0x24000000 (in D2 domain).Changes in source file system_it.c:
Changes in the linker script:
/* DMA SRAM section */
.RAM_D1 :
But the problem still there, the ?DMA2_Stream0_IRQHandler? is not called.
Have you or some other any idea what?s the problem?
Thanks in advance.
- Volker -
2017-10-12 2:52 AM
What are your DMAMUX settings?
2017-10-12 2:59 AM
I would try it in D2 domain not in AXI SRAM. Take SRAM1 in D2, starting at 0x30000000.
D2 is designated for peripheral I/O processing. The DMA controller is located in this domain.
Right now I do not have so much experience with this board and I don't know if it's required
to prepare the AXI interconnect registers to set up the D2-to-D1 or D1-to-D2 AHB bridge to
get a connection between the domains. Page 196 in Reference Manual RM0433.
- Joerg -
2017-10-12 3:02 AM
SRAM1 is in D2 (not D1).
At address 0x24000000 is AXI SRAM (in domain D1), which is 512kB.
Take a look at page 109 and 100 in RM0433.
2017-10-12 3:53 AM
Hi Joerg, thanks for your reply.
As in RM0433-Page 103
described, also the AXI SRAM should be available for the DMA transfer.
?The peripheral bus allows DMA data transfers between two peripherals, between two
memories or between a peripheral and a memory. Through the system bus matrices, the
peripheral bus can access all internal memories except ITCM and DTCM, external
memories through the Quad-SPI controller and the FMC, and all AHB and APB peripherals.
A direct access to APB1 and APB2 is available, without passing through AHB1.?
Or I understand this wrong ?
But follow your suggestion, I changed the dest.-address to D2_domain.
Changes in the linker script:
/* AXI SRAM (D1 domain): AXI SRAM */
.RAM_D1 :
/* AHB SRAM (D2 domain): AHB SRAM1-3*/
.RAM_D2 :
/* AHB SRAM (D3 domain): AHB SRAM4 */
.RAM_D3 :
Changes in source file system_it.c:
♯ define
/* AXI SRAM (D1 domain): */
♯ define
/* AHB SRAM (D2 domain): */
♯ define
/* AHB SRAM (D3 domain): */
The screenshot of the DMA register shows the source-address 40022040 and the dest.address 0x30000000
By using the RAM_D2 at 0x3000000, no extra connection between domain is needed, correct ?
But same behavior, nor interrupt.
- Volker -