2024-05-29 5:08 AM
I have been working on creating an SPI loop using the SPI callback function to alternate between two sensors that share a common SPI SDI/SDO line. However, I am encountering an issue where the SPI transfer complete callback is triggered, but the SPI transfer seems to not be fully completed because neither an error is called nor a data is transfered. As a result, the cycle stops after 2 or 3 iterations. I am unsure how to resolve this issue or understand why it is happening. Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
My SPI callback function is this:
void HAL_SPI_TxRxCpltCallback(SPI_HandleTypeDef *hspi)
if (hspi->Instance == SPI2)
/* De-select chip select */
HAL_GPIO_WritePin(g_xImuHandle.hms1.csPort, g_xImuHandle.hms1.csPin, GPIO_PIN_SET);
g_xGyroSamples.gyrox.value = HMS33_AngularRate(&DMA_RxBufferGyro1[3]);
g_xGyroSamples.gyroxTemperature.value = HMS33_Temperature(&DMA_RxBufferGyro1[1]);
if (hspi->Instance == SPI6)
if (GyroSel == 2)
HAL_GPIO_WritePin(g_xImuHandle.hms2.csPort, g_xImuHandle.hms2.csPin, GPIO_PIN_SET);
g_xGyroSamples.gyroy.value = HMS33_AngularRate(&DMA_RxBufferGyro2[3]);
g_xGyroSamples.gyroyTemperature.value = HMS33_Temperature(&DMA_RxBufferGyro2[1]);
HAL_GPIO_WritePin(g_xImuHandle.hms3.csPort, g_xImuHandle.hms3.csPin, GPIO_PIN_RESET);
HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive_DMA(g_xImuHandle.hms3.pxSpi, (uint8_t *)DMA_TxBuffer3, (uint8_t *)DMA_RxBufferGyro3, 6 );
GyroSel = 3;
if (GyroSel == 3)
HAL_GPIO_WritePin(g_xImuHandle.hms3.csPort, g_xImuHandle.hms3.csPin, GPIO_PIN_SET);
g_xGyroSamples.gyroz.value = HMS33_AngularRate(&DMA_RxBufferGyro3[3]);
g_xGyroSamples.gyrozTemperature.value = HMS33_Temperature(&DMA_RxBufferGyro3[1]);
HAL_GPIO_WritePin(g_xImuHandle.hms2.csPort, g_xImuHandle.hms2.csPin, GPIO_PIN_RESET);
HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive_DMA(g_xImuHandle.hms2.pxSpi, (uint8_t *)DMA_TxBuffer2, (uint8_t *)DMA_RxBufferGyro2, 6 );
GyroSel = 2;
I start the cycle by calling HAL_SPI_TransmitRecieve_DMA() in the main function.