2021-03-31 11:00 AM
User manual of NUCLEO-H743ZI2 says that SPI1_CS pin is pin 16 on CN7 (D10) which is PD14 of the MCU.
But in CubeMX, pin PD14 does not have any function related to SPI1.
What does it mean? Should this pin be set up as GPIO output and driven manually?
Sorry I am new to the SPI on H7 and STM32 generally. This board has also SPI3 routed to CN7 and it has hardware NSS pin, but my h/w engineer selected SP1 for some reason.
I need master function, desirably with automatic NSS...
-- pa
2021-03-31 1:49 PM
When the SPI is a master, it means it can talk to any device on the bus. You may have 1 device or several. The way the device knows you are talking to it is to enable the chip enable pin on the device, Most devices have you make CE low to enable it.
This is done by any General Purpose IO Pin set up as an output.
To talk to the device you need to makes the CE Low, then start using the SPI commands. All other devices that are not selected are in low power states and ignoring the bus.
When you are done release the CE (make it high) line and it puts the device in low power mode.
Since nobody but the designer knows how many devices are on the SPI bus, the interface does not have dedicated pins for that purpose.
2021-03-31 4:47 PM
Thank you Kmora for the reply. So you suggest that UM2407 incorrectly names the MCU function of CN7 pin 16 (PD14) as "SPI1_CS"; it should describe it as just a GPIO?