2021-01-12 11:12 AM
Hi All
As to GPIO EXTI interrupts:
Does the stm32h7 supports level interrupts?
or just edge triggered interrupts?
According to arm cortex m7 specification it should, I don’t see it on the ST documentation.
What happens if I use a level triggered IO which stays high to an interrupt configured as rising edge?
How do I implement level interrupts on this device?
2021-01-12 12:16 PM
2021-01-12 12:29 PM
Can you confirm that by default level interrupts are not supported with EXTI ? Only edged?
2021-01-12 12:50 PM
I don't use H7. In other families, EXTI0-EXTI15 connect directly to edge detectors. Other EXTI inputs may work differently.
[EDIT] In https://community.st.com/s/question/0D53W00000S5TjQSAV/exti-direct-input-on-stm32h7-can-be-used-for-level-sensitive-interrupts I suggested trying EXTI from WKUPx pins (EXTI55-EXTI60). IMO from reading RM it appears these are level-sensitive ("direct"). I don't know if @Pavel A. tried this.
2021-01-12 1:10 PM
> I don't know if @Pavel A. (Community Member) tried this.
I have not. On my board the interrupt pins are not WKUPx ... and frankly I don't understand how to set up the WKUP. Maybe in a next project.
-- pa