2022-02-04 5:15 AM
I load the program to the STM32H7B3IIT6 MCU, but when I close the circuit and open it again, the program inside does not work. I did not make any changes to the parameter settings.
2022-02-04 6:35 AM
Verify the memory contents with STM32CubeProgrammer. If it matches what should be there, the problem is that user code is not starting (or there's a bug in it). Verify configuration is set to boot to user flash with current BOOT pins and option byte settings.
Custom board? Is BOOT0 pulled low?
2022-02-04 6:47 AM
I can read memory contents with STM32CubeProgrammer. The program appears to be installed.
I am not making any adjustments. I am using it with default settings. It works fine with STM32H7B3LIH6QU MCU.
BOOT0 has been pulled down.