2020-04-09 10:55 PM
RM0440 Rev 3 (last version) recomend to set 4WS for 170MHz CPU clock
RM0440 Rev 2 recomend to set 8WS for 170MHz CPU clock
ST driver library (STM32G4xx_HAL_Driver) function LL_PLL_ConfigSystemClock_HSE() set 8WS for 170Mhz clock.
Which Flash WS setting is right for 170MHz, 4WS or 8WS?
Solved! Go to Solution.
2020-04-16 9:30 AM
The new specification is applicable to all STM32G4 family products.
In fact, the Flash is re-characterized and it is found that the maximum number of wait-states can be reduced from 8 to 4 wait states and so it is possible to achieve 170MHz at only 4 wait-states which has an interesting impact on the performance.
This new specification will be taken into account in the STM32CubeG4 next version planned for W26.
Best regards,
2020-04-10 12:08 AM
I assume that the reference manual was updated for a reason.
The last update of RM0440 is more recent than the latest version of the library.
2020-04-10 4:35 AM
This is quite a dramatic change.
It would be nice to hear from ST, what's the reason for this change, and whether it's result of change described in PCN MDG/19/11871 - i.e. whether' it's applicable also for the older revision of the 'G4 chips or not.
@Amel NASRI , can we please have a comment on this?
2020-04-10 11:29 AM
Where to get that PCN?
2020-04-10 1:53 PM
Some distributors make them available for the commoners, e.g. http://www.anglia.com/registration/pcn_ptn/docs/pcn/st_PCN%20MDG_19_11871.pdf
2020-04-10 2:02 PM
I found a copy here: https://www.mouser.com/PCN/STMicroelectronics_11871.pdf
2020-04-12 4:43 AM
Hopefully an updated errata sheet appears soon.
2020-04-16 9:30 AM
The new specification is applicable to all STM32G4 family products.
In fact, the Flash is re-characterized and it is found that the maximum number of wait-states can be reduced from 8 to 4 wait states and so it is possible to achieve 170MHz at only 4 wait-states which has an interesting impact on the performance.
This new specification will be taken into account in the STM32CubeG4 next version planned for W26.
Best regards,
2020-04-16 10:15 AM
I'd love to hear about data on the performance improvement between the old and new settings for a few relevant workloads - could be the standard workloads, power consumption change, Field oriented control motor control implementation, etc.
2020-04-16 1:52 PM
Hi Najoua,
Thanks for the comment.
So, does this mean, that the 4WS applies also to the older revisions of the 'G4 chips?