2022-04-13 10:29 AM
Trying to configure a 48-pin STM32G0C1CE project in STMCubeIDE 1.9.0., specifically configuring pin 23/PB11 as ADC1_IN15. The embedded MX tool chip pinout view allows one to select pin 23 as ADC1_IN15, but then leaves PB11 yellowed in the overall view with the cautionary but cryptic words "no mode". The parallel ADC1 Mode and Configuration form has IN_15 as non-selectable.
Is there a quick explanation of what's prohibiting configuring PB11 as ADC1_IN15? A cursory jaunt through the UM is not particularly enlightening (I'm sure the answer is in there..., but where?). I've attempted to duplicate the ADC handling I've applied elsewhere in the project to channel ADC1_IN15, but the warnings are there and I suspect there's a darn good reason why they're there.
Thanks for any thoughts!
2022-04-13 2:07 PM
Let no pin be configured for ADC1 yet.
In the ADC1 Mode and Config View, no IN selected, hover over IN15 which gives you the hint "Available if sequencer set to not ...". But, how to set that? Check IN0 to see the Config tab below. Set sequencer to not fully configurable. Now, you can check IN15/PB11 green. Uncheck the "helper" IN0, et voilà.