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STM32G070RBT6 port configuration possibility query


Hi we are considering the STM32G070RBT6 64pin for its wide support for multiple PWM,ADC and USART ports, and would like to confirm that this part can simultaneously support 12 PWMs, 15 ADCs , 3 USARTs and 1 I2C . We are planning to use 2 of these as i2c slaves to provide port expansion for a already using STM32F407 system. Please do provide insight whether this works, or if such configuration is not possible. If it is not possible, please do elaborate to what extent it can be supported, your feedback is highly appreciated, thx.

Principal III

I would be surprised if someone would give a positive answer based upon such a brief characterization of your project. Its easy to start assigning MCU ressources with STM32CubeMX on your own.


without giving away too much details, that seems to be what can be provided. If more clarification is needed, would be happy to do so.

thx , will give cubemx a try.

You're likely going to need to do your own due diligence work here, whether it is with the datasheet and a highlighter, in a spreadsheet, or with Cube/xplorer.

The more secretive manner would be to work with the ST FAE assigned to your account.​

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