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STM32G070 print uint8_t shows 0


I have a strange issue. I use printf function in a uart port for print some variables that I use in my code. This works perfectly in cortex m4, but now in cortex m0, the variable printed show me 0, in the next code:

uint8_t	flash_ext_init(void){
	uint8_t wr_word[4];
	uint8_t rd_word[4];
	printf("Loading flash memory BY25Q32...\n");
//	w25q_FirstFallingCS();
	memset(wr_word, 0, 4);
	memset(rd_word, 0, 4);
	wr_word[0] = W25Q_CMD_JEDEC_ID;
	_flash_ext_spi_write_read_data(rd_word, wr_word, 4);
	printf("Flash_stat: %02xh, %02xh, %02xh, %02xh\n", rd_word[0], rd_word[1], rd_word[2], rd_word[3]);
	printf("BY25Q32 flash loaded...\n");
	//	printf("Flash_stat_reg1: %02xh, flash_stat_reg2: %02xh, flash_stat_reg3: %02xh...\n", w25qxx.StatusRegister1, w25qxx.StatusRegister2, w25qxx.StatusRegister3);
	return 1;

I am using -O2 optimization, and when I make a debugging process in stm32cube ide i can see that variables has the correct value, however when the variables are printed, this print a 0 value. I have test disabling "strict aliasing" in optimization settings. And the issue is solved. However, I think is better enable this optimization flag.


I solve the problem, I incorrectly call the header. The name is "flash_ext.h" and I typed "flash_Ext.h". Curious is that compiler did not report any error or even warning. How is that possible. Sometimes I think that compiler is not working well with warnings or detecting errors, or maybe is my configuration.

Is this on Windows or lInux/MacOS? On Windows, file names are NOT case sensitive, so "flash_ext.h", "flash_Ext.h" and "FLASH_EXT.H" should all work. So if you are on Windows, I don't think that change is what fixed your problem.

So, I don't know how the problem was solved, btw I disable the flag optimization strict aliasing also.