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STM32G030K6T6 is not programming!

Aatif Shaikh1
Associate III


I'm working on a small scale project. In my earlier design, I've used the STM32F100x series. Now as the STM introduced a new set of controllers, the STM32G series ( which is less in cost and much higher efficiency than STM32F series), I've migrated to STM32G030K6T6.

AT present in my custom-made board, I've only placed a micro-controller along with some essential circuitry component and trying to program the micro-controller, but unfortunately, the micro-controller is not getting programmed. Currently, I'm using the ST-Link V2. I even tried to program with the ST-link of the NUCLEO-G070RB board, but the results are still the same.

Error Message :
14:09:32: Can not connect to target!
Please select "Connect Under Reset" mode from Target->Settings menu and try again. 
If you're trying to connect to a low-frequency application, please select a lower SWD Frequency mode from Target->Settings menu.
14:09:34: No target connected.


Accepted Solutions
Aatif Shaikh1
Associate III

Hello, thanks for the tip, but after changing some ST-link Configuration, I'm successfully able to do the programming of my board now. Under "Reset Mode" I've selected "Software System Reset".

View solution in original post


Means the chip is not running or you've got something else wired up wrong.

Check level of NRST.

Check VDDA.

For external ST-LINK make sure pin 1 or 2 has voltage applied, for Nucleo that local target is disconnected.​

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Aatif Shaikh1
Associate III

Hello, thanks for the tip, but after changing some ST-link Configuration, I'm successfully able to do the programming of my board now. Under "Reset Mode" I've selected "Software System Reset".

wenbang zheng
Associate III

Hi Aatif Shaikh 

i think NRST PIN need 10k to VCC

STM32 is low level reset,you Schematic NRST connect a CAP to gnd, so NRST PIN is alse LOW, so mcu is also IN RESET

see my Schematic。my board work well


No, you are wrong. The 100 nF capacitor is the only thing required and an additional pull-up resistor only makes things worse. Stop copying the Chinese copy-paste "engineers" and read the datasheet and AN5096.

:), i do not think so, tie NRST pin to vcc so it is HIGH level and will not reset in nomal

have you try Aatif Shaikh circuit? maybe we can try it and get the result

Why are you so stubborn and are not reading the documentation even when pointed at it?

DS12991, figure 19 - shows the internal pull-up.

AN5096, figure 5 - shows the internal pull-up and recommends a 100 nF capacitor.

AN5096, figure 15 - shows the reference schematic with a 100 nF capacitor.

Yes,i do know DS12991 and AN5096, figure 5 and RPU pull-up.

And this is how a Datasheet - production data  Table 52. NRST pin characteristics write: RPU pull-up. is a weak pull-up. (resistance value is not stable) 

For a reliable product design, another strong pull-up make EMC good and make product stable for unpredictable disturbance, since NRST is important pin in system。 This is will not write on book or any datasheet, this is thousands of sets of product experience。Yes you do not need another strong pull-up if you just make some set toy , but one day if a jamming signal near the NRST pin, you will know how this strong pull-up resistor work. Do not always trust PCB layout engineer

We see more then datasheet, ok. You can keep your opinion, I keep mine。
