2021-09-15 10:41 PM
Hello All,
I need to read tempereture of mcu.
But I confused about formula given at referance manual.which is below.Because there no data TS_CAL_2 val
2021-09-16 3:16 AM
Hello @emre ÖZDEMİR ,
There is a internal request to update the formula in the coming releases of the RM0454.
In the meantime, you can refer to the formula provided in RM0360:
When your question is answered, please close this topic by choosing Select as Best. This will help other users find that answer faster.
2021-09-16 4:22 AM
I tried the formula given in RM0360,code example actually.I updated address and ADC data in the formula.But temperature value I get is not realistic.
/* Temperature sensor calibration value address */
#define TEMP30_CAL_ADDR ((uint16_t*) ((uint32_t) 0x1FFF75A8))
#define VDD_CALIB ((uint32_t) (3300))
#define VDD_APPLI ((uint32_t) (3000))
#define AVG_SLOPE ((uint32_t) (5336)) // AVG_SLOPE in ADC conversion step (@3.3V)/°C multiplied by 1000 for precision on the division
int32_t temperature; /* will contain the temperature in degrees Celsius */
temperature = ((uint32_t) *TEMP30_CAL_ADDR - ((uint32_t) ADC_TEMPERATURE * VDD_APPLI / VDD_CALIB)) * 1000;
temperature = (temperature / AVG_SLOPE) + 30;
2021-09-20 3:37 AM
Hello ,
It is an ergent stuation.
Is there any suggestion for me.
2021-09-20 3:57 AM
Which STM32 exactly?
What hardware? Is this a "known good" board such as Nucleo or DIsco, or your own design? If the latter, how is VDDA/VREF+ connected?
> .But temperature value I get is not realistic.
Post numbers - the raw ADC readout, actual VREF/VDDA voltage, readout of the calibration value.
Do you observe the start time and the sampling time given for temperature sensor in the datasheet?
2021-09-20 5:58 AM
This board is our custom design.
Here the values
Raw ADC data at
tempereture channel = 1005
Vref = 1540
*TEMP30_CAL_ADDR = 1042;
adcData[2] stores temperature channel value
adcData[3] stores vref channel value
here is the code for temperature
void CalculateTemperature(void)
if(temperatureReadTime++ == 100)
temperatureReadTime = 0;
temperature = ((uint32_t) *TEMP30_CAL_ADDR - ((uint32_t) adcData[2] * VDD_APPLI / VDD_CALIB)) * 1000;
temperature = (temperature / AVG_SLOPE) + 30;
here is the code for vref (I get this formula from datasheet)But this also gives me (around 2.78V) from the calculation.
void CalculateVref(void)
if(VrefReadTime++ == 100)
VrefReadTime = 0;
Vref = 3.00 * ((double)adcData[3] / *VREFINT_CAL);
About sampling time when I check the datasheet
Here is the conversation time formula
for temperature minimum value is 5 ms
ADC clock speed is 16 mHz.
And ADC clock prescaler is 10
Sampling time 160.5
if I calculate the time (160.5+12.5)/(16MHZ/10) = 108 us.This should be suitable then.
There is not a info about a certain sampling time to read temperature.
2021-09-20 6:52 AM
In case this snippet helps.
Make sure adc conversion is longest time, and channel for vref/vtemp are powered up
int32_t Interpolate_s32 (int32_t x0, int32_t x1, int32_t y0, int32_t y1, int32_t x) {
int32_t dwQ;
dwQ = ((y1-y0))*x+(x1*y0)-(x0*y1); // overflow not checked yet
dwQ = dwQ / (x1-x0);// we can also do roundings here
return dwQ;
int32_t Deg30Lsb;
int32_t Deg130Lsb;
int32_t ADC_Num, ADC_Denum;
int32_t DegC_x10;
int32_t ADC_Convert_mV_to_DegC_x10(ADC_t* A, uint32_t Lsb) {
Deg30Lsb = (int32_t)(*((uint16_t*) 0x1FFF75A8)); // 3.0V +/- 10mV
Deg130Lsb = (int32_t)(*((uint16_t*) 0x1FFF75CA)); // 3.0V +/- 10mV
// we first convert the LSB calibrated Flash values to mV (let's remove the sign issue between normal and injected channels)
// convert ADC value to 3.0 Vdd vs measured value
Lsb = (Lsb*A->MeasuredVdd_mV)/3000; // scale the LSB to 3.0V
DegC_x10 = Interpolate_s32 (Deg30Lsb, Deg130Lsb, 300U, 1300U, (int32_t)(int16_t)Lsb);
A->Temp_degC_x10 = DegC_x10; // capture the value for debugging or reference
return DegC_x10;
int32_t ADC_Convert_VRefByLsb(ADC_t* A, uint32_t Lsb) { // Vref = 1.212V
int32_t VRefLsb3p3V_Lsb = (int32_t)(*((uint16_t*) 0x1FFF75AA)); // this contains the ADC 12 bit right aligned raw data for Vref LSB at 30C and 3.0V
uint32_t Vdd_mV = (3000*VRefLsb3p3V_Lsb)/Lsb;
A->MeasuredVdd_mV = Vdd_mV;
return 0;
2021-09-21 12:52 AM
stm32g030 does not have a 130°C calibration value.
So I could not implement this script into my code.
2021-09-21 2:15 AM
Which STM32, exactly?
> here is the code for vref (I get this formula from datasheet)But this also gives me (around 2.78V) from the calculation.
> Vref = 3.00 * ((double)adcData[3] / *VREFINT_CAL);
No, it's the other way round, Vref = 3.00V * (*VREFINT_CAL) / adcData. That gives Vref = 3.23V.
What is the actually measured voltage at VREF+ pin?
From this, voltage at your temperature sensor is Vref*1005/4096=3.23V*1005/4096=0.793V
The calibrated 30deg. voltage is 3.00V*1042/4096=0.763V, so your voltage is 30mV higher. Given average slope 2.5mV/deg, this is equivalent to 30mV/2.5mV/deg.C=12deg.C, i.e. internal die temperature 30deg+12deg=42deg. IMO entirely plausible.
2021-09-21 4:50 AM
Sharpen your problem solving skills, if you have only one reference point and a slope in lsb per degree, you can calculate 130 degree point as 100 degtee shift and keep the code almost the same as with stm32 with 2 points. Say 341 lsb more at 130 degree vs 30 degree....
Deg130Lsb = Deg30Lsb + 341; // read your stm32 spec and tune.