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STM32F746 Discovery QSPI Memory mapped mode data different value compare to flashed data

Hello, I programmed STM32F746 Discovery external QSPI flashed using STM32CUBE programmer with external loader option. I can able to see correct data at QSPI Flash when checking with STM32CUBE programmer.


But when I am checking same address using IDE in memory mapped mode, I can see value shifted by 1 byte address. Unable to understand reason. Any suggestion ?




Dump from within own application, not debugger. If it persists check for agreement on dummy cycles. Check byte patterns at front of memory.

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OK, I will try with application.

I used below command to dump only QSPI section images.bin and used to programmed external QSPI flash. Attaching final images.bin file.

arm-none-eabi-objcopy.exe --dump-section .qspiFlashSection=images.bin MyDevKitProj.elf

0693W000003OmMAQA0.jpg@Community member​  Hi, I created new project, tried storing some data and later validated in memory mapped mode. Data looks fine in that. Btw I am using  dummy cycles as 10.