2018-07-03 6:21 AM
I have plenty of problems to debug on STM32F746-DISCO with openocd and eclipse
The most frequent is that, just after programming the Flash, the MCU goes directly on the Hard fault handler, and does not even go to the reset handler.
If I use the same openocd commands but skipping the flash programming, the MCU starts normally.
The other problem is indicated by openocd at launch
'Warn : Silicon bug: single stepping will enter pending exception handler!'
This makes very difficult to step in a program. Is there a workaround ?
In fact I do not know if the problem in in openocd (0.10.0), in gdb or in the board.
#hard-fault #openocd #gdb2018-12-05 7:47 AM
+1 !
2018-12-05 8:42 AM
>> Is there a workaround ?
I guess to use a different chip, or move beyond single-stepping to determine what your code does.
ST typically doesn't update the processor IP in the products, ie the F74x will continue using r0p1. The F722 uses newer IP (revision and patch level of ARM CM7), as does the H7 series. I don't recall what the F76x/F77x parts are using but they do have a larger cache and full FPU-D implementation.
2018-12-05 9:05 AM
This thread shows the revision/patch level of assorted CM7 product from ST