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When will the STM32H743VIH6 become available?

Ben Adamson
Associate II

When will the STM32H743VIH6 become available for samples from ST and general sales through distributors?


If you want a number better than 10 weeks try speaking to a local ST sales rep.

It wouldn't surprise me if the silicon was being spun again.

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Ben Adamson
Associate II

Thanks. I'd assumed the 10 weeks I saw on a distributor was their 'restocking interval' rather than a preorder wait time. I'll see if I can get in touch with our rep.

Uwe Bonnes
Principal III is a good place to see device availability. For the STM32H743VIH6 availability looks bad.

For "non-stock" devices they don't carry a list of delivery dates. 10-weeks suggests you're directly driving wafer starts.

Believe me delivery times on parts is pushing out to 26-52 week on a lot of things, and you need orders on file to get in line for deliveries, things are being built-to-order, and days of distributors holding years worth of supplies in warehouses is over.

Samples are best sought directly.

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I don't know your location, but Arrow Europe appears to have some STM32H753VIH.


Good thinking. Looks like Avnet carry it too.