2016-02-03 5:42 AM
hi all
I want to run MCO1 clock output. (PA8) I tried the hal_rcc_mcoconfig function. But I could not run.I can't see any signal with oscilloscope. This is MCO settings codeHAL_RCC_MCOConfig(RCC_MCO1,RCC_MCO1SOURCE_PLLCLK,RCC_MCO_DIV4);
PLLCLK=216Mhz, MCO Div 4
Output = 216 / 4 = 54
MCO output should be 54Mhz
What is the problem?
2016-02-03 8:03 AM
Hi Mucit23,
1/ be sure that your system clock is correctly configured 2/you can have a look to the RCC example under the STM32F7 cube firmware package it may be helpful: STM32Cube_FW_F7_V1.3.0\Projects\STM32756G_EVAL\Examples\RCC\RCC_ClockConfig-Syrine-2016-02-04 11:57 PM
Hi Syrine
I resolved the problem. I found a problem with the STM32F7 Discovery scheme.Please see the image.2016-02-07 3:13 AM
Brilliant thanks - just switched to D10 and all good.
May also explain why D10 wasn't working as SPI2_SELECT ! You would think ST would have updated the CubeMX files... Matt