2018-08-27 2:08 AM
I have a stm32f469i-disco board. I compile the stm32f469i-disco demo application st\en.stm32cubef4\STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.21.0\Projects\STM32469I-Discovery\Applications\STemWin\STemWin_HelloWorld\EWARM, Compiled successfully and downloaded to the development board, the LED blinking instructions program is running, but the LCD does not display any text or graphics. But I use st-link utility to download STM32469I-Disco_Demo_V1.2.0_FULL.hex, which was pre-compiled in STM32CUBE-FW, directly. The development board can display pictures and text when the download is successful. So I can exclude hardware circuit problems. Who can give me a hint, why I compiled APP demo with IAR and downloaded to the development board, can not display graphics, text and pictures?Thanks a lot!
2018-08-27 6:58 AM
Which IAR version are you using ?
If you are using an older IAR version, please try to switch to the latest one.
Please, keep us informed about your progress.
With Regards,
2018-08-27 7:15 PM
Thank you for your reply. The IAR version I used is like above.
I compile the project stemwin_helloworld,I can generate HEX files, but there is a warning as shown above.Program downloaded into the development board and run, LCD does not display any text.