2018-05-07 4:13 AM
Posted on May 07, 2018 at 13:13
Hello everyone,
I'm new with STM32 board and I have to program CANOpen communication between two STM32 boards: F334R8 and F446RE. I don't know if it could be the same code.
I know programming in Arduino, but I have only programmed Receive and Transmit by UART in the above STM boards - and toggle pin.
So you can imagine how lost I am.
I have reach the following code:
, but it doensn't completely works, and I'm gonna start to study it, if in this way I can understand the code in order to do my version.
On the other hand, I'm at this moment downloading
, in the case it contains CANOpen library for my boards, because I have seen STM32Cube\Repository\STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.21.0\Projects\STM324xG_EVAL\Examples\CAN\CAN_Networking\Src but I don't really know if it is what I'm looking for, and even the code is not for my boards.
Finally, I use CubeMX for the settings, and then I send the code to Atollic TRUEStudio.
Thank you in advide