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STM32F429IIT6U is getting stopped after a few minutes of working. what could be the reason?

Associate II

We have used STM32F429IIT6U in our project . In the beginning , it works fine but after few mins it get stopped. I have replaced the external caps, crystal and controller and also isolated the nearby controller circuit but it is still creating the same problem.(BOOT0/BOOT1 are not floating). Power supply is working fine. There is no shorting.

Lead II

> it is creating the same problem.

You did not describe WHAT the problem is.

I have a hunch you should not let the BOOT0/BOOT1 pins floating.

Associate II

BOOT0/BOOT1 pins are not floating. We are using BOOT1 as digital input and BOOT0 is grounded with 510 ohm resistor.

Lead III

A first test would be to try to find out if it is hardware or software that is causing the stop.

When it's in it's "not working" state, what things have you tried to get it working again?

And of those things, which worked, and which didn't?

For example, can you reset the microcontroller?

Or remove, and then re-apply power? (If you have to wait a while between removal and re-application of power for this to work, please let us know how long this wait is).

Do you have a debugger attached? If so, does it lose connection when you get your "stop"?

Can you put an oscilloscope on the Vdd and Reset lines to see if either of them behaves unexpectedly to trigger the stop?

When the processor comes out-of-reset, log (e.g. to a spare serial-port) the state of RCC->CSR to see if that says why things stopped. (Once things are running properly, you need to clear the cause-of-reset flags using RMVF). What does this say?

Do you have a way to log what happens if the processor gets a HARDFAULT?

Hope this helps,


Lead II

Your initial post/description missed all the important details.

Editing answers/suggestion back into the question makes the thread looking incoherent.

Have you looked at the firmware ?

Perhaps a runtime stack overflow, or invalid memory access.

"is getting stopped" is not very detailed, could you check in a debugger ?

Does it end up in the hardfault handler ?

Is it reset by an accidentally activated watchdog ?

Does the MCU get hot ?