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STM32F413H Discovery touchsreen driver (FMPI2C) Issue

Associate II


I am using the stm32f413h-discover board (MB1274 RevD) which uses touchsreen controller FT6236. I wan to use touch functionality for stemwin, so i've inluded drivers for toucscreen controller chip in my project (official BSP driver) I am having trouble reading chips ID because it seems in initialization part of the official BSP code. Here is what happens:

in TS_IO_Init() fmpi2c and gpio is initialized and then TS_IO_Read() is called which leads to call of FMPI2C_RequestMemoryRead, which returnts ERROR. Error is HAL_FMPI2C_ERROR_AF (ACKF error). Can somebody please give information about this issue? Why is this happening in official code which should work with no problem?

Associate II

Somebody please respond

Associate II

Basically my issue is identical as in this topic:

However it should not be a HW fault as in the above topic, since I am using stm32f413 discovery board on which i have preloaded example application which includes touch functionality in order to confirm it works, and it really does work, but for some reason it does not work when i use bsp ts driver included in bsp.

Associate II

Okey, managed to fix the above issue with NACKF, It seems that device was being held in constant reset (TS_RESET_PIN), they didn't managed the resseting in the code. I've added following two in TS_IO_init after rst pin initialization:




However, now I am no longer getting NACKF, but now I am getting HAL_FMPI2C_ERROR_TIMEOUT

Make sure you have the interrupts enabled, and IRQ Handlers in stm32f4xx_it.c

Look over some projects using the touch screen




Unfortunately relatively few users with F413H-DISCO here, not a board I have

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