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Stm32f411ce firmware write failing.


Okay so I have ordered my first stm32 board (STM32F401CEU6 - WeAct Black Pill V3.0 | STM32-base project) for making the flight controller for my drone project. It arrived yesterday, so I began to follow the tutorials, firstly installing Impulse RC driver fixer then I moved to flash the firmware but it won't flash. Either the board disconnects while trying to write or it gives writing sector failed error. I even tried switching platforms to make it work but it threw different errorson different platforms, on linux I got "dfu-util: Last page at 0x0813b13f is not writeable" . I even tried flashing through android but no luck there aswell on phone it said "writeMemBlock sendRequest failed" . While connecting the mcu I made sure of the button pressing pattern of long pressing both boot and reset button followed by releasing reset then boot. There might be a possibility my unit is faulty but as I am new, I am not very sure about that either. I am attaching all the logs and info I could collect throughout the process.



WhatsApp Image 2025-03-29 at 17.20.43_b80a47dc.jpg


ST Employee

Dear @thyAkash ,

Can you try using the STM32Cubeprogrammer, without uploading the .hex file,  to Erase Sector by sector at alone  and then just Write a word like this 0x5555_5555 at start of each sector.  In this MCU, we have only 7 sectors, so the test is simple. then Let's see the .log for all operations, but go sector by sector and not all at once or many at a time. 



Let us know.


Sounds like the board is electrically bad, perhaps regulator or has an issue with VCAP capacitors.

On a 512KB device, highest writable address would be 0x0807FFFF

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