2021-01-14 12:12 PM
I have bought new STM32F407 DISCOVERY BOARD and I got blue board STM32F407 Discovery board so is it real or fake, while connecting via mini B cable also memory showing only approx. 20-30kb of space in it so please confirm it as real or fake?
2021-01-14 1:05 PM
WaveShare has blue ones, they have partnered with ST on occasion, and is a legitimate source for quality boards.
Description Tab "Note: you may receive a green OR blue version, we don't know in advance which one will be delivered."
I'm really not sure what capacity the faux MSC mbed uses reports.
2021-01-14 1:12 PM
2021-01-14 1:12 PM
Thanks but during programming through USB communicated via Mini B cable in STM32CUBEIDE, target not found error is coming again and again even in Keil as well other platforms also and while using Armbed I am not able to download binary file in that microcontroller memory because of its size only 30kb.So please help me
2021-01-14 1:40 PM
All I know about your board is that it's blue, does it look like the one WaveShare is selling? Perhaps a picture, high resolution, and in focus?
Does it have the most current ST-LINK firmware on it? Can you access it with STM32 Cube Programmer or the ST-LINK Utilities ?
2021-01-14 1:46 PM
Waveshare is a real company and with quality goods.
Does your board look like this one?
STM32F407 core board minimum system STM32F407ZGT6 board|ABS Sensor| - AliExpress
If yes, then you will need to use an external JTAG programmer to reflash the target STM32F407 CPU. The USB connector onboard is to exercise any USB code that you may develop (as USB device / host) which may explain the observed small code size. That is, perhaps the vendor pre-loaded a small demo to act like a USB storage device.
2021-01-14 8:59 PM
No Its not that one.