2012-11-19 11:01 AM
developed my own ST32F405 Stamp and tried now to connect via SWD and STLINK/V2 to my stamp. What I get was a internal command error response from the STLINK/V2. The device is running with 3.3V
Can somebody help me??
2012-11-19 11:21 AM
Probably because the part isn't actually running.
Check supply/ground pins, NRST and PDR_ON2012-12-03 9:31 PM
2012-12-04 12:10 AM
''What I get was a internal command error response from the STLINK/V2''
What, exactly, do you mean by that? This sounds more like an error message from your host tools than something from the STLink itself...?
2012-12-04 1:38 AM
Possibly you by accident programmed a software which puts the PLL into an illegal state. E. g. if you write a STM4Discovery program (designed for 8MHz external quartz - driving PLL to 168MHz for 8MHz) to a Keil demo board (having a 25MHz external quartz), you will get such problems.
In such case you have to fix your software and program your board it in the Boot mode ''System memory'' - in any other Boot mode the board will fail to connect, because the PLL is driven to much to high frequency, which then will cause communication failure of the debug interface.2012-12-14 9:25 AM
Hi bil.til,
thanks for answer me. 1. My STM32F450 is virgin. For this reason I don't expect one Prrogramming issue. 2. Yes I use external oscillators 8MHz and 32KHz, but there are not programmed now. I don't expect external oscillator issues. 3. It is my own design with only Voltage USB & SWD & oscillator Connection, the rest of the pins are open. May be there is something wrong. But all is connected as explaint in the STM32F4xx Manuel. 4. The frist answer was helpfull. I found a miscconection in the GND. After is the Error message of ''internal connection error'' disapear, but I get the ''can not connect'' Error, which means, that I have a additional problem. I expect a hardware problem and for this reason it will be helpfull to have a example of a working STM32F405 64Pin layout. Do you know one? regards Martin2012-12-14 9:58 AM
Suggest you just attach a wiring diagram or schematic.
Missing VDDA, or miswiring the JTAG / SWD header are pretty common failure modes VCAP_1 (31) 2u2 F to ground VCAP_2 (47) 2u2 F to ground VBAT connect to VDD absent a supply2013-02-03 8:20 AM
Hi cleve1,
here is attached Laxout of my stamp. Everything you told is checked up to now. The microntroller layout is from my side, which means that the Pin numbers and names can be wrong. It is checked from my side twice, but never the less can be wrong. It worst for me that after connecting the SWD that allways the voltage on the microcontroller is ricing up to 5V. Could you please check the layout. I agree with you that the SWD wiring can be wrong. I will check it too. regards Martin ________________ Attachments : Stamp_STM32F405RG.pdf : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006HtXu&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000aRa%2Fm_JFmcYE_qhyyEf6IQOtBihTzfOKHAgDQZhruE5uPOY&asPdf=false2013-02-03 2:35 PM
The last time we fixed a similar problem the person had the chip incorrectly rotated by 90 degrees.
2013-02-24 10:21 AM