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L9966 has one spi interface to work with MCU's, but I need to know how it is working an d I didn't find documentation about it. Can somebody tell me where to find it?
Posted on June 01, 2018 at 11:07I'm working on a STM32F7 project nad like to imporz it ot VisualGDB. I have to generate a *.GPDSC file, but the button is not higliehgted in CubeMX. How I get it highlighted?Martin
Posted on June 17, 2013 at 18:30I build my own STM32F405RG Stamp and try now to get the USB FS running. For to make good progress I use the libraries, which are available for the stm32F407 Discovery. I use Atollic True Studio Lite and ST-Link/V2 SWD...
Posted on November 19, 2012 at 20:01 developed my own ST32F405 Stamp and tried now to connect via SWD and STLINK/V2 to my stamp. What I get was a internal command error response from the STLINK/V2. The device is running with 3.3V    Can somebody hel...