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STM32F405RGT6 custom board not working

Associate III

Hi guys, this is my first post here on the forum. I'm starting my learning in STM and I created a custom board with a STM32F405RGT6, I followed a basic MCU operation schematic that I found in a video on Youtube, but the MCU is not starting. I did several tests to check if the USB connection was correct, if the voltages also worked well and everything is ok. However, I saw that I really don't get a clock from the crystal, the crystal I'm using is already known to me from other projects. So I'm leaving here a print of the connection schematic and if anyone can give me some light on where to look for the problem that causes the MCU to not start, I would be very grateful.:grinning_face:


Captura de tela 2024-01-12 100142.png


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Also, I didn't notice this at first glance:

You're connecting OSC_IN and OSC_OUT to PC4 and PC5 while it should be connected to PH0 and PH1 like provided in the datasheet:


I'm wondering what kind of Youtube link you're referring to!


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Senior III

I think it's wise to check your PCB and troubleshoot if needed. 

ST Employee


You need to refer to the STM32F4 hardware getting started AN4488 and refer to the schematics.

From your schematics at least VCAPx capacitors are missing:



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Hi guy, thanks for your reply. I have already done all the checking on my PCB and the schematic is being fully respected, I am a guitar pedal manufacturer and have a lot of experience with custom boards from other MCUs (Atmel and ESP). Can you see a connection error or a pin that should have a connection and is floating in the image I attached?


Can STM32CubeProgrammer connect to it? Looks like VCAP is the only issue, but it wouldn't respond at all if that were the case. The crystal won't put out a signal until you run a program that activates it.


Design guide:


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ST Employee

Forget about the crystal for now and try to run with HSI as clock source for system clock:


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My attitude must be very noob, but I was just hoping to connect the MCU via USB and some device would appear on the computer, apparently this isn't the initial step, right?

Is the connection header I created (J1) or is there a pin missing from it? I have a ST LINK-V3 MINI DEBUGGER, should I use it to do this initial MCU configuration?

I really apologize for questions that should be very simple for those who are already used to MTS, but my knowledge of these devices is really minimal.

Associate III

Does the St-link V2 Mini also serve to communicate with the STM32F405RGT6?

ST Employee

"Does the St-link V2 Mini also serve to communicate with the STM32F405RGT6?"

--> Yes

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Did you fix the VCAP errors? Going to be hard if you didn't put any traces/pads on those pins. Is the voltage on VCAP ~1.2V?


Once it's set up right, you should be able to open STM32CubeProgrammer and hit connect to connect to the device.

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